Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Cat Magnet

Look at the coat on Keetah. I use the shedder on her nearly every day. I give her ground flax meal in her food, I buy her good food. I tried giving her coconut oil but it upsets her stomach. She is a world class shedding machine. I have more hair in the house than I did with seven large dogs. Yes, I was the crazy dog lady before cats took over. For all of this, she is a good dog.

It's much warmer, it was 20 F this morning. I have a busy day tomorrow with two back-to-back MRI. It's a two hour round trip drive plus forty-five minutes for each MRI. Hopefully I get a bathroom break in-between. There will be no coffee for me in the morning.

I finished "Billy Summers" by Stephan King last evening. An unusual book for him. I have started "When God Was A Rabbit" by Sarah Winman. This book I am reading, it didn't come in audio. I've become used to listening. The e-library has been a lifesaver for me, I am not much of a TV watcher and I am stuck at home. I have read or listened to 47 books since August. Time on my hands?

I have pain killers on board, I'm fully caffeinated and sort of ready to make an attempt at the day. I'm thinking I'll assemble a lasagna while I have some motivation to do so. I cooked the ground meat yesterday, I have enough to make a shepherds pie in the next day or two. I haven't made one of those in a long time. I need to stay as occupied as possible, which often is not very, to ward off the fatalism that is creeping along the edges. I don't need to fall down that well.

Always end on a positive note, yes? 😉


Boud said...

There's a calming element to planning and cooking food. And you were right about the misfits chicken. A fat little chick, very tender, just really good, and plenty of parts for different recipes. Definitely doing this again.

Boud said...

I'm glad that the two MRIs are the same day, anyway. Here's hoping for an undramatic day. Autopush insisted I was saying ultra absurd day, why, why. No, not that.

Peace Thyme said...

Yes. There is no reason not to think positive. One could think negative but what would be the point, eh? Good luck, sweetie.

Sandra said...

Boud, they are good! Now you will have all those bones for soup. I hope for no drama, too. I got as far as the simmered sauce, it may be a meat sauce with pasta.

Sandra said...

Ultra absurd day! I do have a few of those!!

Sandra said...

Thank you, Peace Thyme. Perhaps it''s a fresh start.

Marlane said...

Well i am reading a book from the library via Hoopla on my ipad called The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F---K by Mark Manson and I think that you might enjoy it.

Sandra said...

Marlane, I have read that book! I own the ebook.

Pixie said...

My ex husband's beverage of choice to abuse was red wine. I can't stand the smell anymore.

Keetah looks like a champion shedder, my goodness. It looks like it comes out in clumps. I'll quit complaining about Heidi.

Val Ewing said...

Sounds like a very busy Monday, so I hope it goes well for you and the MRI gives up clues as to what is going on with you.

Bohemian said...

Standing on the Edge of the Fatalism Well is always a difficult Space to Hold, I think making some Comfort Foods is a good Plan to stay Centered. Often I'm not very motivated lately but I did finally get to the Gym, had a good short Workout and felt so much better than I'm going to attempt to do it more than just once a Week. I am hopeful it lifts the lethargy and constant fatigue, boost my Energy and my Mood, I think it will, I felt great Yesterday after only devoting 30 minutes to a Routine there... which included a 10 minute Wet Sauna, which is Heaven. I hope all your appointments go well, too much Medical crap always chips away at my psyche. We're lucky that Eli doesn't shed that much for a long hair Cat and is sequestered in the Granddaughter's Room. He's too much of a Rascal to turn loose on the House and he's not been fixed yet, so, there's that.

Marlane said...

Thanks for letting me know that you have read it. I am in the middle of reading it. I think I may get a hard copy to add to my book shelf.

Sandra said...

That''s a shame, Pixie. My first husband's choice was beer and meth. I don't like the first and never tried the second.

I've never dealt with so much shedding!

Sandra said...

It's definitely busy for me, Val. At least it's action.

Sandra said...

Dawn, yay for you! I know you have struggled with finding the time and energy to go. It could be the thing you need. Eli needs a snip snip appointment!

Sandra said...

marlane, place it prominently on the shelf!

Far Side of Fifty said...

That is a boat load of books! I would rather read a book than listen to one. My husband and I listened to A man called Ove together and that was ok. The reader was excellent! :)

Sandra said...

Far Side it is. I really can't do much. Books are a great help. I like someone reading to me, but I also will read. I saw A Man Called Ove on, I think, Netflix couple of years ago. I liked it.