Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, May 8, 2023

Spring Has Sprung

We had a beautiful day yesterday and a repeat today. I plan to take myself outside after lunch and try to trim the hedging around the east end of the house. I trim it at least twice a year and didn't do it in the autumn. It's very tall. I've been having back spasms in the morning, which eliminates doing much of anything until it abates by late morning. Those things can knock you to your knees.

Mark is spending the day doing a job which is necessary on a horse farm; spreading manure. He gets that sweet smelling task twice a year. He tried to teach me how to drive the tractor decades ago, I knew what he had planned, he's not good at sneaky. I wouldn't learn. I am good at sneaky. The horses usually are turned out to pasture by the third week of May and it will likely be the same this year.

I have a lot of packets of flower seeds I found when I cleared out my mother's house. They were old then and are three years older now, but I'm going to use them, who knows, some may sprout. I have lots of flower pots, so why not? If they don't, I buy plants. In the span of a few days it became spring, the urge to plant and prune and even mow is upon me!

We had a quick and good dinner of linguine and asparagus. I don't know what I would do without a pasta cupboard, sometimes I just don't have it in me to do anything other than boiling water. I did make chicken wild rice soup for lunch, enough to have it again today. We both really like it. I wonder if food costs will ever come down or if this is where they will remain. I kind of think the latter.

This is my bit for the day. Other than a spastic back I am doing well. 


Far Side of Fifty said...

I also think that food costs will remain high. Eating establishments will fail...people will have to cook for themselves again...just like in the 40's and 50's :)

Sandra said...

Far Side, we rarely eat out. But this has been for years. Last year we stopped at Original Pancake House after a dr appointment. We spent $50 on breakfast including tip. That was a surprise. Groceries are also expensive. I don't know anyone, that I know of, who doesn't do at least some cooking, even if it's packaged food. Which also gets expensive.

Boud said...

I can't see prices for any commodities coming down. It's more of ratchet mechanism.

Ami said...

I love to cook. I don't love to clean up the mess I make when I cook, though. No one else enjoys the cleaning, either. Sometimes it's just easier to open a microwave meal from the freezer section.

As long as corporations can overcharge and make record profits, they will. It's disgusting, and there's nothing I can do about it. Which is also disgusting.

I've had good luck with really old flower seeds. My grandfather was a florist. He said that soaking them in water overnight, even if the directions didn't say to do so, would help when they're old seeds.

I have ONE flower box. On the front porch so I can water it on my way out the door. Otherwise I neglect my plants.

Sandra said...

Boud, yes. At best they drop prices by a little to make you feel it's better, but they stay artificially high. It's the model.

Sandra said...

Ami, I'm not a fan of cleanup either. I do a lot of one or two pan meals and we pick up pizza and rotisserie chicken a few times a month.

At least you know your limitations and don't waste time and money on something you won't take care of!

Anonymous said...

I find a back ache or a tooth ache can just "rule the day." Other aches/pains can be awful but one can carry on, somewhat.
Take Care,

Pixie said...

Your meals always look so good. I'm not even a huge fan of asparagus but that dish looks so good.

I've been planting seeds and trying to get the yard in shape. It always takes months and then it snows:)

Sandra said...

Kaye, I think you are right about that. Also feet. The one pain I don't have, thankfully.

Sandra said...

Thank you, Pixie. We love asparagus, we had it in an egg bake for dinner last evening.

It's true. By the time you have a chance to enjoy all the labor it all dies out and snows!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I agree with you, Sandra, that food prices are rising and also think they are unlikely to go lower. That said, we still find it less costly to eat a home-cooked meal than to eat out. Of course, whenever we are on a road trip, eating out is a given, but we are weighing the choices and know that adding a glass of wine or a sweet treat will raise the bill considerably. So, it's good that we are off treats for weight loss!

BTW the pasta and asparagus looks very good to me. pasta is always a great pantry item to pair with so many things as you well know.

Sandra said...

Beatrice, it is much less cost to eat at home, even if it's packaged food. I've noticed my Aldi order, which is mostly the same items every time, is between a 1/4 and a 1/3 more. Then there's the animals. Yikes!