Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, November 18, 2022


A friend sent me this. It perfectly describes my feeling toward winter, except I see the fires, wine and comfort food as desirable. These are part of my winter quiet. My friend in Denmark introduced me to hygge (and told me how to pronounce it!) before it sort of became a marketing word. I enjoy the early dark and short days. I realize I am in a unique position, one I was not in for most of my life, but even then winter was quieting for me. Perhaps it's that I am a Capricorn, born in a northern climate. 😉

The winter solstice time is no longer celebrated as it once was, with the understanding that this is a period of descent and rest, of going within our homes, within ourselves and taking in all that we have been through, all that has passed in this full year which is coming to a close... like nature and the animal kingdom around us, this time of hibernation is so necessary for our tired limbs, our burdened minds.
Our modern culture teaches avoidance at a max at this time; alcohol, lights, shopping, overworking, over spending, comfort food and consumerism.
And yet the natural tug to go inwards as nearly all creatures are doing is strong and the weather so bitter that people are left feeling that winter is hard, because for those of us without burning fires and big festive families, it can be lonely and isolating. Whereas in actual fact winter is kind, she points us in her quiet soft way towards our inner self, towards this annual time of peace and reflection, embracing the darkness and forgiving, accepting and loving embracing goodbye the past year.
"Winter takes away the distractions, the buzz, and presents us with the perfect time to rest and withdraw into a womb like love, bringing fire & light to our hearth".
.. and then, just around the corner the new year will begin again, and like a seed planted deep in the earth, we will all rise with renewed energy once again to dance in the sunlight
Life is a gift ❤ a Happy winter to you all...
Written by Bridget Anna McNeil
Artwork by Jessica Boehman

Cosy up, read a book, drink tea and enjoy where you are and what you have.


Boud said...

These are really good reflections. And there's "Wintering" to read, too, by Katherine May. I think you'd like it.

Pixie said...

I love this. Thank you.

Sandra said...

I will look it up, Boud.

Sandra said...

Pixie, my friend sent it to me because I have often told him how much I enjoy winter. You are welcome.

Sandra said...

Boud, I placed it on hold at the library. About a two week wait. People seem to like it!

Val Ewing said...

I do love the coziness of winter but I also love being out in it. Nice to come in and snuggle up with a book because no gardens need weeding, no grass needs cutting and...well...
it is just a great change of pace.

Sandra said...

Val, exactly! Until the last few years I was outside or in the barn everyday. I can't say I enjoy -30 but overall I am a winter person.

Pixie said...

I stole it, obviously:)

Lori Skoog said...

Hibernation....regeneration......cozy fires..... I'm in.

Sandra said...

There is no stealing, Pixie! It is to be shared, as my friend did and then I did.

Sandra said...

Lori, yes! And a Little Wonder curled up beside you.