Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

My Tomatoes Runneth Over

I have been out of sorts the past few days. Nothing serious, just a general unwellness.

I did pick tomatoes today and a bunch of herbs. The Roma and yellow plum tomatoes are absolutely full of fruit. I'm going to freeze much of them whole. A friend makes herbed salt and I have decided my life is not whole without that in it, so I have a bunch of herbs dehydrating as I type. I think I may have a new obsession!

These need a little more ripening time so I've set them on the screened porch. The light looked so nice I had to take a photo. What are the odds they will become playthings for Frieda?

I haven't kept up, I hope tomorrow will be better and I'll catch up.


Val Ewing said...

Take your time catching up. Looks like you have A LOT of 'mators to wrestle with!

Lori Skoog said...

Gary made another batch of sauce today. We still have a lot of tomatoes and will be doing more....am freezing the cherry tomatoes whole for soups and sauces. Can't beet plums for sauce. Take it easy....

Boud said...

I have hundreds of green cherry tomatoes. About six ripe. Today I went to the farm for Roma plum tomatoes to freeze for sauce. My own Roma plant is still so immature I doubt if I'll get anything from it. Funny year for gardens. Your crop looks wonderful.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Pretty tomatoes:)

Sandra said...

Val, they are going to become overwhelming!

Sandra said...

Lori, yes they are great tomatoes, flavorful and less seeds. I feel similar to when I had Covid, just not sick. Tired and foggy.

Sandra said...

Boud, it is a funny year for gardens. All my other tomatoes have been so-so and my thyme has done nothing. These two plants will make up for it!

Sandra said...

Far Side, the light was perfect.