Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Small Tasks

I am still not feeling well but I have small tasks which I am able to do and therefore feel slightly less useless.

This afternoon I made herbed salt, per my friend julochka, who gave me the inspiration. Her's is prettier, she had edible flowers and I do not. They gave her salt color. I can tell you, basil takes a very long time to dry. This may be surprising, I have never dehydrated anything. I have hung herbs to dry but have not used a dehydrator. My air fryer has a dehydration feature, so I was good to go.

I have farro simmering for stuffed zucchini. I have some large ones that are perfect for that. I really don't feel like cooking but we do have to eat. It's 90 F and very humid and will be again tomorrow. I just wilt.

I hope I don't have Covid again. I'm not as sick as I was before, but I feel queasy, fatigued and headachy, which is how it was, only more so. If I don't feel better I won't be making those zucchini. In the last minute I got a little more nauseous. Maybe too much information.

I'm going to rest. I hope your day is a good day.


Boud said...

When you feel up to it is there a recipe for the herbed salt? It sounds interesting. Meanwhile I hope you feel better soon.

Sandra said...

Boud, after about an hour the nausea went away. I don't feel chipper, but I do feel better. I put the loose instructions on a post tomorrow.

Val Ewing said...

I sure hope this doesn't drag on and it absolutely stinks to be sick when it is hot and muggy outside.
Hope you feel better soon.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Val. Still feel yuck.