Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, September 17, 2022

My one foray into camping. 1987 in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

I may live on a horse farm but I have never, ever been outdoorsy. My son wanted to camp so we borrowed the gear and did a few days in the Badlands and the Black Hills. I was there as a kid but we had a trailer. And I was a couple of years away from my diva persona at that time! I went to the shower building in my cotton, large floral print robe carrying a blow dryer and a makeup bag. 😄 

Things have changed, I went from heels to farm boots and baseball caps, but I have never had any form of desire to camp. I didn't have it then. I was taking one for the team.

I talked to the son today. He bought a Ford Expedition yesterday to use for camping. His wife won't sleep in a tent so they are going to put a mattress in the back of the vehicle. She likes camping, just not the tent. The son is a wilderness camper, so this is a compromise. When I was scrolling photos I saw this and thought about how it was his first time camping, never knowing he'd become one of those that treks out into the unknown with a tent. I know I'm his mother, I was there, and know he didn't get switched at birth. Anyone seeing this photo of his mother camping would not believe he turned into Grizzly Adams.


Pixie said...

I've never been much of a camper but I would like to try it again, without my dad and with the proper equipment. Mostly because I want to get back country photos.

You like you're having such a great time:)

Sandra said...

I don't know if I was having a good time but I was trying to be a good sport!

Val Ewing said...

I would love to camp again. I didn't do it very often in a tent, but I have an Subaru Outback. With the seats down, it makes a perfect place to sleep.

I've camped with mules and slept in the back of a truck and in a horse trailer.

One day I would love to take the car and just go and stay over night at the Reserve where I hike so much and...just not be in a hurry to get up and go. Or to be able to get up and look at the night sky.

Love that photo!

Sandra said...

I've never been a camper. Which is why the irony of this photo and the grown man, my son, being a guy that goes into the wilderness alone and camps.

I wish for you the chance to spend your time in your Subaru under a starlit sky.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I love camping , we have tented in the wilds of Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Washington and Oregon, parts of Canada and all over Minnesota and Wisconsin. My husband doesn't like camping anymore or we would go again. Lots of good memories made while camping! :)

Sandra said...

Lots of people like it, my son loves to be in the wilderness. You have been in a lot of great places for camping, I can see you would have wonderful memories.