Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, March 3, 2023

Back to Regularly Scheduled Programing

They were having a standoff.

Gatto capitulated.

He has two females who regularly let him know his place. Poor Gatto. Not really. I have a rare busy day and Mark already has lunch planned at Culvers! He said I need a treat. I agree. Ice cream. I'll catch up later in the day.


Boud said...

Enjoy your day!

marlane said...

I was thinking about your loss of contact with your brother. If you wanted to find him a good place to start is Facebook. That is if he has an uncommon name. It is so much harder with women as they marry and their names change. Then "people finder" is another place to try.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Boud. I had a rootbeer float.

Sandra said...

thank you, marlane. I've thought about looking for him but I'm not sure it's worth it. We never got along, we did not like one-another. I think I'll let sleeping dogs alone.

Bohemian said...

I JUST got Ice-Cream at Culvers for the Family Tonight too, the Party Four Pac... we needed some Comfort Food.

Sandra said...

They have excellent ice-cream. Great minds think alike, Dawn!