Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, March 6, 2023

The Zinger

We've had an additional 4" of the white stuff overnight.


I started this book last evening. 

I expect I will like it.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Enjoy the book more than the snow!

Boud said...

It's a wonderful book! Just to add to your reading, the European gold finch is traditionally a metaphor for the human soul. Just saying.

Sandra said...

Far Side, I am enjoying the book, but since I don’t have to do anything in the snow it isn’t bothering me at all!

Sandra said...

Thank you for that but of insight, Boud. I did not know this.

Sandra said...

Bit of insight

Bohemian said...

They are still Snowed In there in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, which is so Weirdly Odd for them to even have Snow at all, let alone Feet of it and more to come. Climate Change is Real and when all that Snow Melts, the Floods will begin and a lot of it will end up in Arizona...

Sandra said...

Dawn, this is normal in MN as opposed to southern cali. Our climate change indicator is Deep South humidity in the summer. We’re not new to humid weather but what we’ve been experiencing for over a decade is not normal. Hopefully the snow will replenish some of the water for now.

Val Ewing said...

Looks like a great book.
I read 3 books while laid up with a wicked cold this weekend.
I finally ... almost feel partly human today.

Sandra said...

So far it is, Val. That's a lot of books! It's good you are feeling better. It's one of the reasons we still mask, we haven't had a cold since the beginning of 2020. They are no picnic.