Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Bread and Flower

Pizza Bread

Sometimes I do things just because. Last night was one of those times. I made enough dough for a large medium crust pizza, saw the cast iron skillet I had cleaned but not put away and thought it was a good idea to bake a pizza with this much dough in that pan instead of the steel. Pizza bread. Mark thought it was great, but he thinks everything is great. He is my cheerleader. Gotta love him.

What did come from it is I really liked the bread, so I've mixed another batch of the dough and will bake it as bread, a slightly thicker version of focaccia.

It's 36* F, windy and raining. This is the third day. Tomorrow won't be warm but the sun is supposed to shine. It will be welcome. I look forward to seeing these, perhaps my favorite flower in the gardens. I was asked recently if I hoard anything. Perhaps peonies. I have an abundance of them. And that's okay.


julochka said...

will be making my pizza in a cast iron pan and also planting more peonies. i have six. that’s not enough.

Sandra said...

I only have maybe 10 varieties. but over all the time I've lived here I've split them often, so I have a lot. The past two years I haven't tended the gardens well. Hope is this year I can. Pizza on cast iron comes out well. Yes, six is not enough!

Bohemian said...

You are such a Domestic Goddess, baking fresh Breads and Pizza... I couldn't get anyone to cook for me yesterday so I was petulant. I had one of my Low Blood Sugar days after a Weekly Injection I have to take for Type II Diabetes and so it can make me feel weak and not have energy to do much. And yes, Hoarding of Peonies is Okay. *Winks*

Sandra said...

I tried to reply to your question but blogger was acting up and wouldn't let me. I was going to say I hoard horses. We all have our thing we like to do. I have more time now so I get to indulge in what I enjoy. Baking bread is something I enjoy a lot.