Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, April 17, 2022

I Say It's His Birthday

Today my son, my only child. turns forty-eight.

He was a brand new being in this long ago grainy photo. A wonderful kid, fun, inquisitive and precocious. I divorced his biological father when he was two, he has no memory of living in the family made up of the three of us. He knows his bio-dad, that's what he used to call him, mostly after he was eight or nine. The bio was an addict, untrustworthy and unreliable, as one would expect. I married Mark when the boy was seven and he has been considered his dad. I did that right.

He married seven years ago. We were delighted for him, as it seemed that wasn't going to happen. They are the same age and an only marriage for both of them.

The girl in this photo had no idea where life would take her and that bundle, but she tried to be what he needed. It was often a struggle, being a single mother was not easy. In between bio and Mark there was an engagement I broke off, I listened to my wiser-than-my-years gut. One of my smart moments. The boy got a great dad in Mark. 

Forty-eight years...yikes.


Far Side of Fifty said...

I know the feeling of having a child turn older, our oldest turns 50 tomorrow....hardly seems right. So glad it all turned out for you and your son:)

Sandra said...

It is sort of a shock to the system! Yes, things did turn out. 50 is a milestone, happy birth day to you.