Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The sun has made an appearance and it's 38 degrees F. Yippee!!! We are edging closer toward spring, by golly. The ice is still on the lakes in Northern Minnesota according to the morning news guy. At least we are ahead of that. This is an old photo, but it's what spring has looked like this year. To be fair, what it often looks like.

Onto my continuing saga of health woes and news; I have an appointment with a massage therapist next week. I'm looking forward to it and not. If you've not had deep tissue massage, the first day or two are a misery. It releases a lot of toxins and the body rebels. The first time I had it I was cursing her name. By day two I was singing the hallelujah chorus! I do know what to expect, which is good and not so good.

I'll leave you with another flower from my rose garden, which is no more. Smell the roses while they last.


Boud said...

Nice to meet you. I think we're not quite as frigid as Minnesota, but you could have fooled me today!

Sandra said...
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Sandra said...

I think this year many places had Minnesota weather! Next week we are looking at low 60s.

Bohemian said...

I haven't had a Massage in Years, but I found them to be Blissful. I always liked having a Female Masseuse since the Males tended to be too heavy handed which I didn't like at all. There's other forms of Massage I'd like to try, like Hot Stones... I'd be Game for even the woo-woo kind like Reiki, since, who knows what would be beneficial that you just wouldn't think could be?