Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, April 4, 2022

It doesn't last long, but it occurs regularly. 
Spring in Minnesota

 The horses don't care, they have hay and one another. This-taken-from-a-distance-with-a-phone-camera blur of a photo is the geldings. There are seven of the old boys left. They are still very much geldings, meaning perpetual ten year old boys with four legs. If a horse is going to get into mischief it's more than likely to be a gelding. Big goofy fellas. We have a long history together, all but one was born here. The one not born on the farm came here 17 years ago. The economic crash of 2008 destroyed the horse market for years, so what was here ended up staying here. The youngest is 19, the oldest 27. Did you know long in the tooth started as a saying about aging based on horses? People would look in their mouths to determine age. Long toothed meant old. They and I are long of tooth. 

Totally not interesting but part of my life, which is what this is all about, Monday is laundry day. It's also a perfect day to make soup for lunch. I'm wanting chicken and dumplings, so that's what it will be. I hear the grandfather clock chiming 10:00, so I guess it's time to get the day started. Mark has been at it since 7:00, I'm a slacker. He doesn't mind that I am a slacker. 


julochka said...

I woke up this morning to light snow on the ground. It looks like it came down in small sleet balls. It’s been so cold for the past week or so. Just another bad thing Russia is sending our way. Hurry up spring!

Alas, I have no geldings in a field. I wonder sometimes how I get along without a horse or two. I guess it’s because horse people in Denmark are so weird, it feels better not to have one than to deal with them.

Sandra said...

It's standard April weather. Probably for you, too. It's disturbing to think Denmark horse people are more weird than here. That takes some doing!