Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, April 16, 2022

I know, not technically a parasite, it doesn't live off a host, but it does invade and take over territory.

So beautiful. So prolific. I have not been managing my gardens for a few years, a variety of reasons account for the neglect. Phlox took over. Grass has also taken hold and killed off most of the iris. My task, when winter eventually leaves us, is to pull the newly sprouting phlox before it kills the surrounding plants in the beds where it has flourished. My back will simply have to take it because I am at my last nerve over my deteriorating flower beds. It's been a long winter, as is apparent from my odd and often rambling thoughts!

Age is making me upset. I always maintained my flower beds, even when I was at the height of my horse business. I kept my exterior space neat and proper, the barn was clean, the horses groomed. Somehow, I lost my mojo. I now have an understanding of my long deceased father. He was a strong and vital person. And then he wasn't. He spent those years of his life angry. I get it. I also know it did him not a whit of good. I need to find a balance between submission and a clenched fist aimed at the universe. I am too much my father's daughter, even down to the uncooperative body. I am going in for some further labs in the never-ending quest for answers. Also like him, never give up.

The sun came out in the last few minutes, an almost unrecognizable sight. I have bread to make, tidying to do and a book to listen to. I plan to make shrimp risotto for dinner. Maybe I will regale the internet with a food photo tomorrow. Oh, boy! Stay tuned....

Ciao bella mia blog world 


37paddington said...

How I intimately I understand this, the body the does your bidding until one day the spirit is all gung ho and the body won't comply, or does so with fierce protest. Take it slowly I say, a bit at a time. Persistence is my friend now that I can no longer just power through. Your wild garden is still beautiful.

Sandra said...

I'm so sorry you are experiencing this, too. Chronic pain and illness can be a mystery medicine hasn't conquered. I have been trying to remember what I would tell myself when I was overwhelmed in the barn....one foot in front of the other eventually gets you there. You have figured this out. I'm working on it. Phlox are beautiful but need to be controlled or they will control.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I wish my Phlox had gone crazy and spread all over instead it winterkilled:( Too darn cold in the winter.

Sandra said...

I should collect some seeds and send them to you. These plants are crazy, they have spread all over.

julochka said...

I hope you can find a way to be on the same side as your body. I struggle with that myself. I think it's because I spend a great deal of time living in my head and have for many years.

I've tried to get back into the swing of going for walks in the past few days...I did well during January and February, but March was utterly rubbish weather-wise and I got out of the habit. It's easier to do when the weather is good, I'll admit and I know Minnesota can be temperamental.

But speaking of books to listen to...I've been on a jag of more cozy mysteries...this time the Royal Spyness series by Rhys Bowen - set in 1930s England, featuring Lady Georgina, a distant cousin of the King & Queen. Full of lively characters, intrigues, struggles of a changing society and enough real historical figures (the Prince of Wales and Wallace Simpson) to keep it interesting. I've been devouring one a day and even had to buy more Audible credits. Very enjoyable.

Sandra said...

I'm getting the second booster tomorrow and then I go on the quest for health answers again. I have difficulty walking, but I try to do as much as I can in the house and on the treadmill. I like those kind of books so I will check it out.