Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Are We Tired of Tomatoes Yet?

The saga of the tomatoes continues. I did dehydrate three trays of tomatoes yesterday; two Romas and one yellow plum. I also cooked tomatoes to freeze for sauce. So I got part of my list attended to.

Today I've made green tomato salsa verde with unripened Romas. The tomatoes were a very light green so the end result isn't vibrant in color but it is good in flavor. I got a jar for the refrigerator and three containers for the way over-packed freezer. If I squeeze these in there won't be room for a toothpick in there. There is another version of salsa verde other than the Mexican. There's an Italian salsa verde which is made with capers. It's apples and oranges.

I also made Pesto Rosso with the Romas and Pesto d'Oro with the yellow plums I dehydrated yesterday. Two jars for the refrigerator and two for the freezer. Read the above state of the freezer.

None of this can be used until after next Wednesday in any meal made for both of us. Mark has to leave garlic out of his diet for ten days before a biopsy he is having. This is a panic moment for me. A day without garlic is like a day without coffee. Maybe worse. I know there is a reason I haven't been visited by vampires, I do. I'm going to be reduced to sprinkling garlic powder on my food. One week. One looooong week. 

We have had a day of light rain. We need more than we are getting but it's better than nothing, if only to tamp down the dust. We are in drought. I got the last of my square hay bales yesterday and Bob said he'll start bringing the round bales this week or next. He's told me he has enough. I don't need them until November, so I feel good about the hay situation, even if it is expensive. Like everything else. 

The sun just made an appearance so I guess that's it for our sprinkling of rain. I'm sure my barn babies have been swearing under their breath about being in the rain on a day in the 50s. Zing has a shed, he's likely doing the na na na na to the others. I can't avoid kitchen clean-up any longer, a consequence of being a messy cook. Be well.


Val Ewing said...

No, not tired of tomatoes yet. I brought 6 green ones in and they are ripening! So it looks like one last round of BLT's for our homegrown tomatoes this year!

You will have tomatoes for a long time!

A day without garlic eh? I need to really learn more cooking skills.

Sandra said...

I think since you mentioned it I'll make BLTs for lunch! And I will have tomatoes for a long time. I could have worse problems. :)

Not everyone uses garlic like salt, it's part of my dna but most of the Scandis that make up the population here don't. I use it in everything savory. There's a town west of here that has an annual garlic festival and they have garlic ice cream!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

We use garlic in jambalya and that is about it. It gives me hot flashes!! It snowed today:) Good to hear you will have enough hay!

Sandra said...

It's cultural, probably. I use it in rather large quantities! My farm raised husband from a strongly Norse community has become an honorary Mediterranean. We got a light dusting of snow overnight.

Lori Skoog said...

All I can say is YUM!!!!! Glad you got your square bales in. We are still waiting for more.

Sandra said...

Lori, I can't wait to use the pesto. I need to wait until after Mark has his biopsy because garlic is verboten. I did use the basil pesto on a turkey sandwich yesterday.

It feels good to have hay in the loft. Now I need those round bales.