Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, October 14, 2022

Nothing Much

We had a very light dusting of snow overnight. It's currently 34 F and rain is in the forecast, which means the barn babies are staying in for the day. 

We haven't got any of the autumn cleanup done. Mark is too busy and I.....well, I'm not of much use. Maybe I will mow now that we've had a little moisture. It has been too dry and I have felt too miserable with sinus issues. There is my lament for the day.

I did break down and turn on the furnace the night before last. It was actually Mark who asked me to. Because he doesn't know how. Yes, I know. He can start the oven. He can also discuss theorem and tax law and baseball like he knows what he's talking about. Just don't ask him to adjust the thermostat.

Has anyone made an oil pie crust? A friend gave me a recipe and it's easier than a short crust but I'm trying to wrap my head around it. I know, why not just give it a try. Because I'd rather ruminate. I don't have any pie fruit anyway, which I suppose is why I think about it instead of doing it. Perhaps I'll make a quiche. With goat cheese and pancetta. And spinach. I think I've planned dinner.

I did watch the 1-6 committee yesterday. I do not see how Merrick Garland can ignore this. I don't have anything I like about Liz Cheney's political philosophy but I sure do respect her drawing a line over insurrection. One shouldn't have to feel that way, it should be without question, but as we all have seen.....it's not.

With that little bit of sunshine I bid you arrivederci.


Pixie said...

Snow, yuck!

I make oil pie crust and not only is it so easy, it's also very tasty. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

Sandra said...

That's good to know, Pixie. Thanks!

Val Ewing said...

Snow! We got sleet that did not stick. I watched the J6 hearing also. How can that ex guy's involvement be ignored? I don't know. Hopefully he will be the star of his own jail cell...or at least never hold any office again.

We started the heat a while ago, but since we are still having some decent days, I just run it at night.

Lori Skoog said...

Snow! Please don't send it this way! I'm with you...the January 6th fiasco can't be ignored by the Justice Dept. There is so much concrete evidence.

Sandra said...

Val, if this is ignored by the justice department we know we have failed as a nation of law.

Sandra said...

The snow did n't stick around, Lori, but it has been cold. I feel queasy about Merrick Garland. I hope it's a misplaced feeling.