Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, January 15, 2023


I got around to using the apples before they went over, making a galette.

I have mostly made the crust with einkorn flour, a mix of the whole grain and white, which makes a more rustic crust. This time I used 50/50 white whole wheat and all purpose. A much more flakey, delicate crust. No complaints! I rarely make a dessert. I must say, we enjoyed it. 


The intention was to sear tuna for dinner but I wasn't up to it. I thawed some dehydrated tomatoes and made an egg bake instead. Thanks, Val, for putting me onto dehydration, it worked perfect with the eggs.

It's 32 F, which is fine, except we are supposed to have overnight rain. It creates so much havoc. Years ago we had a pole barn roof collapse from a night of wet snow, rain and then snow again. I had three pregnant mares in there, one got trapped under part of the roof. We had the volunteer fire department here working on getting her free for what seemed like hours. It was a harrowing experience. I won't go into detail, just that they all survived. I ended up on the news that evening because a news crew heard about it on their shortwave radio and came to interview me. The mares were out of there by then. Lots of people called, mostly to comment on how calm I was. Let me tell you, before my brain injury, I was very good in high stress situations! Anyway, I digressed. I do not like above freezing weather until April!

I think I'll make some soup, clean up the tremendous mess I have in the kitchen (I am not a tidy cook or baker) and mix some bread dough to ferment. If I get one of those done it will be a whoopee. The one must be cleanup. I'll check in with you all later today, I must get something done. Ciao.


Boud said...

I love that galette. It's been a while since I made one.

Sandra said...

Me, too Boud. It's so simple I wonder why?

e said...

Gorgeous food. I'm not sure what book you are referring to in your comment to me about it, but I do not remember suggesting a book. However, if you give me an idea perhaps I can recommend something good. I hope your back is better today.

Sandra said...

e, I wrote another comment right after I made the book reference. My mind became confused briefly about who I was commenting to. As soon as I hit publish I realized the error! I have an appointment with a neurologist Thursday, I have no idea what may come of it.

marlane said...

Did the mare lose the foal. What an experience !!

Lori Skoog said...

Ahhhhh! Love the galette (I make them too...so simple, but I'm sure I could never compete with your beautiful pie crust) and also make egg bakes loaded with veggies. Your photos are always perfect.
So sorry to read about your roof collapsing on your horses....had to be quite an experience. We may be getting some rain about Tuesday with temps in the 30s and low 40s. Hope all goes well with your appointment on Thursday!

Ami said...

I had a horrendous allergic reaction to a spider bite in 2017. After all the hives and weird symptoms abated (took almost a full year) I was suddenly allergic to apples. Dammit. That looks really wonderful. This year, my son did the apple pies for our holidays and he and his wife brought them along.

hope your weather doesn't get too dangerous.

Val Ewing said...

Wow! That looks yummy. Of course I did make a soup yesterday that should have been a disaster, but wasn't.

It involved potatoes and a mix up.
One winter we had a preggo mare get chased through the woods by a neighbor's dog. She slipped and fell. It didn't end well for the dog or the mare sadly enough.

We are having rain too, but thankfully, the warm weather we had this week melted all the snow from the roofs.


Sandra said...

marlane, no she didn't.

Sandra said...

Lori, the secret is butter, butter, butter. COLD butter. I used to render leaf lard and I would combine the lard with butter, but I personally prefer butter. You make some mighty fine egg bakes. With the price of eggs they are becoming haute cuisine!

That was a terrible experience. It was 2001, so long ago. Those three mares are dead now.

Sandra said...

Ami, a tragedy! I used to be allergic to raspberries but the allergy went away. It's raining, not something to be welcomed.

Sandra said...

Nothing like a pot of good soup, Val.

That's a terrible thing to happen. I feel bad thinking about it. You had to live it.

Pixie said...

Your photos of your cooking and baking always inspire me. Hope you're having a good day.

Sandra said...

Thank you, Pixie. Cooking can be simple. Taking photos is much more difficult!

I'm going to attempt making bread. so much excitement!

Far Side of Fifty said...

All the food looks good! I dislike rain this time of year...we had 20 miles of Black Ice to travel the other day:(

The Happy Whisk said...

Wow, glad to read that all three momma mares made it through.

Sandra said...

Far Side, yikes!

Sandra said...

Ivy, yes, they did. It was an experience.