Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


I have a brand new do. Yesterday I took the clipper, put a guard on the blade and cut my remaining hair very short. I have always bounced between long and short hair. I liken my hair to a weed. It grows fast, which is why having it colored didn't work. I had nearly black hair and couldn't have it lighter, it looked awful with my olive skin tone. I know, I tried. With hair that is very fast growing I ended up with a skunk stripe within two weeks, tops. My hair before the great fallout was past the clavicle, now I look more like Jim Bob Walton. Only grey. 

Gatto gets the snip snip on Valentines day. It cannot come soon enough. He spends the entire night loudly singing the song of his people. Hopefully, removing his parts will stop his nighttime arias. Keetah gave him a lesson he seems to have taken to heart yesterday. He crawls into her dish while she eats. She gives a low growl and I remove him. Then I started standing guard to keep him out. I forgot and left the room, only to hear a sharp snarl. When I came into the kitchen he was across the room grooming himself. This morning he stayed away. Sometimes it's best to let them do the teaching.

If anyone has any book recommendations I'm looking for a new read. I have Prince Harry's book on hold but it's a couple months out. Mark has been handling radiation well. He likes going there. They are all young women, very friendly and upbeat. I think he will miss the daily interaction with smiling young women. 

Today. Today I will make bread. I think an einkorn sandwich loaf. I let that flour sit too long so I'm not sure about it, but I'll try. I can't believe I did that, einkorn is expensive. Speaking of expensive, I ordered Minnesota wild rice. Wild rice has never been inexpensive, but this halted my breath for a minute. Growing up here, it was a staple in my life, mostly because my father really, really liked it. I was surprised when I lived in Georgia that they had no idea what it is. It used to be, by treaty, a crop grown by the native people, until, I think, Bill Clinton's administration. I only buy wild rice grown by indigenous people. We do what we can do.

I did ramble on. Incase no one notices, I do that. I guess it's my daily exercising of my remaining grey matter. Do what you can do. Ciao 


Anonymous said...

Jim Bob Walton as in "The Walton's " TV show? I guess I better google Jim Bob...to see exactly what you are up too!

You always make me smile. I just wish you could get some answers/solutions for your health concerns.

Take Care,
Park City, UT

Ami said...

I have never heard of Minnesota Wild Rice.
Off to google it.

I hope you are listened to when you have your appointment.

Sandra said...

Kaye, yes Jim Bob Walton. After I cut my hair I turned the kitchen tv on and there was Jim Bob on the screen. I told Mark II have his haircut but he has more hair!

I'm going to try, not easy for me, to have a positive attitude going into the appointment.

Sandra said...

Ami, it's wild rice but it''s grown on the northern Minnesota reservations.

I am going to be hopeful.

Boud said...

Thank you for only buying wild rice from indigenous people. They took such care of it for so many generations, it's what we should do.

I was hoping for a haircut selfie..

Peace Thyme said...

Dances with the White Dog (Great book!)

Sandra said...

Another broken treaty, Boud.

Sandra said...

My library doesn't have the book but I see the movie with Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy id on Prime Video. It's been a long time since I watched a movie. I put it on my watch list. Thank you Peace Thyme.

Sandra said...

Oh, and Boud, I'll get a selfie for you!

Lori Skoog said...

I'm with Boud....hoping for a selfie. You are very brave. Most of the time my hair has been very short, as I never have the patience to let it grow out. I did buy a new pair of dog clippers and used them on Gary....worked pretty well. So did you make the bread?

Sandra said...

Lori, I did. The flour is usable but only because it’s so expensive. I’ve had hair below my shoulder blades, a buzz cut in the 80s and everything in between. I use the clipper on Mark.

e said...

So. are you into fiction. biographies. poetry, history. genealogy, any particular authors??? What was the last book you read that you could not put down?

I did not know about rice grown by indigenous people. Thank you. I will try to locate some.

Sandra said...

e, I like mysteries, history, biographies, memoirs. Things like that.

Wild rice is actually a marsh grass seed. It’s really good.

Bohemian said...

Gato singing the Song of his People just cracked me up since Eli does that too and I really do need to get him neutered, not only becoz of his Arias... he sometimes becomes too smitten with his Human Girl. He has no other Felines to teach him lessons, so I think he doesn't know he's not a Human instead of a Cat? I want to read Prince Harry's Book, a Blogger who is an accomplished Writer and Editor has given it a great Review and I Value her input. She did have backlash for defending he and his Wife on her Blog, some Supporters pulled their Support. So, I know that Dear Young Couple must be experiencing such backlash for their bravery in telling their Truth and not suffering in silence just to protect a Monarchy. Royals don't really have a Life of their own and it's rather Sad to me and must be burdensome to be thought of as a Firm and a Figurehead rather than Human Beings who really have the frailties and feelings all of us have, but they are taught from early Childhood to suppress and not exhibit. I'm happy for them that they are living Life on their own terms, Healing from whatever they've experienced that is Negative, and protecting their Dear Children as best they can. Coming from an Interracial Intercultural Family myself, I know many people simply cannot show compassion nor tolerance for that Union and show the Families the respect and humanity all Families are deserving of. Pretending the Racial bias does not exist is nonsense, it played a huge factor and I feel the Royals missed a wonderful opportunity for their DIL to be an Ambassador to many of the Countries Great Britain has influence of who have Citizens of Color. Just my opinion, I think he was brave to be so transparent and honest, Writing his own Story rather than letting anyone else run the Narrative of it... it's their Story, they should tell it.

Bohemian said...

PS: I Love Wild Rice but don't know where you'd order it grown by Tribal people?

Pixie said...

Cats do love to sing the song of their people, especially at night. Right now mine is curled up by my feet, sleeping on the register, warm air blowing on her.

Have your read any books by Gabor Mate? He's a very good writer who was also a doctor.

Sandra said...

Dawn, that whole royal structure is overwhelming and overbearing, imo. As a non Brit I am not wrapped up in it, but it seems to me it's crumbling around the edges. I know you experienced how awful people can be because of the mixed culture and race within your own family. I have the book on hold at the library but it's a couple of months out.

Look up Minnesota wild rice online.

Sandra said...

Pixie, Gatto is an operatic star! Sleeps during the day, sings all night.

I read The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate. This is a really good book.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hair is not what its cracked up to be...perhaps completely shaved is easier. We use quite a bit of wild rice, my husband loves it. I am reading Firefly Lane and enjoying it. :)

Sandra said...

Far Side, short hair is so much easier. I also love wild rice and Mark has grown to like it. I had it often growing up. I will look that book up.

The Happy Whisk said...

Jim Bob Walton .. omg.

Mine grows like a weed too. Same with finger and toe nails.

Agreed. Sometimes we humans need to step back and let the wildlife do their thang.

Love reading! Hope you find something you enjoy. Does your library do digital lends?

Yikes on the rice prices. Saw your loaf from the post before. Very, very cool. I made more dough last night then balled into 53g each and into a closed container. Fridge over night. So easy to bake today!

Sandra said...

Ivy, I know! I strive high.

I do get ebooks and audiobooks from the library. It's a fantastic service.

Things are quite costly. Even the flour for bread. The einkorn loaf is about a 3 hour rise, so a good one if you want bread in a hurry.

Bohemian said...

I did look up the Minnesota Wild Rice and ordered some from a Tribe in a Gift Set that also had Wild Berry Jams, Jellies and Pancake Syrup, can't wait for it to arrive.

Sandra said...

Dawn, that's great! The treaty that gave the tribes the exclusive right to grow and harvest the wild rice met the same fate as the others eventually.