Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Melting. Melting

Mid-forties and melting. It is amazing how fast it can melt, sunshine in the equation helps a lot.

The mystery I'm reading tells you at the start who the bad guy is. I like that, it's interesting knowing the manipulations and knowing the guy's bad to his bones. It's The Wife Upstairs, by Rachel Hawkins. I picked it because it was available and in the genre I was looking for. I will probably finish it this afternoon. All the books I have on hold seem to be popular as they are weeks-to-months out. I love the digital library.

I watched an interview by Jane Pauly of Senator John Fetterman this morning. The interview took place two days after he left the hospital. I felt so deeply for him. He is where I was after the brain injury I had in 2011. Everything about his continence spoke to me. I moved away from blogging after that. I still did some, but it just didn't work anymore. I had to type everything in advance because when I would come back to it is was a bunch of gibberish. My mind, which had always been quick, was like slogging through tapioca. All creativity and interest had left me at the gate. I saw the look, I understood his feelings. My depression put me into the pit of hell and I saw this on his face. I hope he knows it will likely get better, but probably not overnight. I am not totally me, the me I was, but I have finally accepted the me I am now. He is, in my opinion, a good man. I sure wish him well. And hope he doesn't give up the Senate.

So....moving to another topic. I had a bunch of broccoli that was looking a bit down and out. I decided it would be best served as soup. Cream of broccoli soup is perhaps one of the easiest there is. I used the rest of the veg broth I made last week. Even Mark really liked it, wow! I have four large containers of vegetable broth for my son the next time I see him. His wife is a vegan so I'm sure he will appreciate it. I have so many vegetable scraps frozen. Sometimes I just have to use them solo for stock. 

When life gives you faded broccoli, make soup.

**Mark said the interview of Fetterman was two days before he went into the hospital


Boud said...

Fetterman's depression is, I believe, related to the stroke he had a while back, so yes, very similar effect to your experience. I'm so sorry you went through that hell and glad you're mostly back now.

When handsome partner had a stroke late in his life, his homecare doctor sent a homecare nurse to the house to check, and on getting her call, confirming that what I'd reported was indeed a stroke, instantly prescribed anti depressants. She said any doctor failing to do that was guilty of malpractice. The prompt intervention was very helpful to him.

I hope both you and Fetterman get better and better. You're sounding more and more grounded as you blog regularly.

The Happy Whisk said...

Love that you turned your broccoli into soup! That's the way to do it.

For reading fiction like cozy mysteries, I love going with the Kindle. Though am considering the jump to Barnes - for non-fiction - which is the bulk of what I read, I love hardcopies. Though for awhile I did get some in digital, I ended up not liking those unless they were fiction.

Either way, reading is fun! Happy Sunday and boogie boogie - Ivy

Sandra said...

Boud, yes it was a stroke. Mark convinced me to start blogging again last year. I was lukewarm on the idea but went with it anyway. I have to admit he was right. I’m not trying to regain what was. I am involved in what is. I used to enjoy blogging and I find I am enjoying it again. I’m completely removed from social media, I never really liked it. This fits for me. And I got to meet you! And learn about heddies. If I got that right. 😉

Sandra said...

Ivy, waste not, want not…right?!

I mostly use audiobooks now. I have hundreds of books so I’m not interested in adding books in my house. I really enjoy someone reading to me, I know it’s not for everyone. I appreciate going to the library app and finding a book. Viola! Holding a book for an extended period of time makes my hands ache, so that’s a good excuse to listen instead.

Lori Skoog said...

Sorry I missed that interview....will have to see if I can find it. I remember reading your posts before you quit blogging and was so taken with your gorgeous horses. Can't think of anyone who makes soups better than yours! I still have not gotten back to my Kindle. Don't even have an excuse. So glad your snow is melting quickly...you have had a very long winter. We have hundreds of books too and Gary has started donating some to our local library. Glad you started blogging again.....

Val Ewing said...

Fetterman's issues highlight exactly what my hubby has gone through for many years and had an increase after his stroke. Apathy for life is one statement that nailed the situation.

The brain may take a long time to heal.

The sunshine yesterday was incredible when it came out! Looks like another fine day on Monday and then some more rain or snow? However, the temps will stay warm so spring is looking to move along!

Sandra said...

Thank you, Lori. I wasn't so keen on it to begin with but I'm glad I started again, too. I remembered you and your Wasely chair! Winter does drag on.

Sandra said...

Yes, Val...apathy for life. You've had lots of experience with brain injury, from the other side, the caregiver side.

It's going to be colder this week but just warm enough that we will get rain, not my preference.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Brain injury changes your whole life. We have several friends who have had accidents and have traumatic brain injuries. Not much we can do but be encouraging for them. Car Accidents...and one fellow was a Deputy and was beaten and almost killed...he has since died and we miss him.
You should write a soup cookbook!
We will be in the big storm this week...we cannot escape:(

Sandra said...

Far Side, it does. I spent years feeling outside myself. Disassociation is still with me, just not quite as bad. I am fortunate to be alive, a neighbor had the same fall as I did and died. Coming to terms with it is hard and often a long process. I am sorry your friend died, it's horrible that happened to him.

I think there are already cookbooks with lots of soup recipes!

We are going to have two days of rain. Bah!