Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, May 21, 2022

A Tale of Food

We had a nice, easy dinner last night of chicken, potatoes and onion made on a sheet pan.

I really appreciate the simplicity of a sheet pan and a moderately hot oven.

An interesting person, BoudI follow had a link to a podcast I listened to   onbeing 
I found it interesting and I learned a couple of new things. I learned of microbiomes several years ago through a documentary on the gut and how absolutely important they are to our health. I didn't know there were these organisms living in the colon feeding on things like fiber and pointing out how essential to our well-being fiber actually is. And...how little is in the standard American diet. When I had influenza and then pneumonia I spent a considerable amount of hours streaming and much of that time was with documentaries, often about food and health.

I changed my diet after the financial crash in 2008. I had turned to mostly processed food after we moved here because I was so busy I had neither time nor energy to cook. I changed not because I was thinking of my health but rather my wallet. I was in the grocery store, picked up a jar of marinara and actually looked at the price. I knew how to make sauce. I knew how to cook. I simply had stopped. That was the beginning of my redemption. 

We do not eat highly processed food and haven't since that lightbulb moment in the grocery aisle. I make bread, whole grain, mostly, and try hard to get those vegetables in. The ones with high fiber and bright colors. I am insulin resistant and have been for years, but in all those years I have not tipped into diabetes. I watch my carbs and I do not eat foods filled with those things we can't pronounce that all come down to being sugar in one form or another. 

All of this is to get to here: I had results from an extensive blood panel  yesterday. Speaking to the doctor she said looking at your blood work no one would know your age. She said I am remarkably healthy. She said this knowing I am obese! I pointed that out, the response was the body doesn't lie. I told her I didn't know about that. So, I thought about this and then listened to this podcast and wondered if my dietary habits are why this obese person doesn't show the expected results of an obese person in blood work, nor did a stress test for that matter? I'm going to think so, because I can't think of another reason. My parents had multiple health problems, multiple medications by my age. I take no meds. 

The phrase "You are what you eat" was brought up in the podcast. It's true, isn't it.


Boud said...

Thanks for the shout out! I'm very glad you got a,lot out of the podcast. The gut is wildly important, and people with severe gut problems are being helped with transplants of healthy fecal matter, to rebalance the gut environment. New idea.

Sandra said...

Yes, I saw that in a documentary I watched awhile ago. I saw an osteopathic dr in 2018 because I was having trouble. Turned out I didn't have any good bacteria in my gut. He put me on two digestive enzymes and told me to put a reverse osmosis system on my drinking water. My labs showed gas and farm chemicals which had seeped into the well water. So much for the great outdoors. It took awhile, but I got well. It was worth a listen.

Lori Skoog said...

Boy, your food photos are enough to make anyone drool. Another great meal....something that we would love. We probably are not as conscientious as you are, but almost all of my meals are from scratch with lots of fruit and veggies everyday. Too bad I never learned to make good bread.

Far Side of Fifty said...

We try! I should bake bread more often.:)

Sandra said...

Lori, I had takeout pizza tonight, so, ya. Bread doesn't need to be difficult. Try one of the millions of no-knead breads. They are simple and pretty much no fail.

Sandra said...

Far Side, Trying is good, it means we are aware. I love making bread. It's so satisfactory. I make both knead and no-knead, kneading bread has it's own subliminal thing going on!