Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, May 2, 2022


The refrigerator saga carries on.

The old thing is struggling to keep cool so I've added bags of ice and some ice packs, which are helping. Even so, it's not a proper temperature in there. Last evening we had a dinner of chicken wings with eggplant, summer squash, fennel and green onion. All mixed into leftover wild rice. The whole thing worked surprisingly well together. I have a large container of turkey stock I'll turn into soup today. I don't think Mark's heart could take it if I had to throw out food!

It's another dreary day, it's also my laundry day. I guess I should get to it, my coffee is nearly gone, time to put on an act of productivity.

***I need to add, I've changed the comment function to pop-up. I wasn't able to comment on my own blog last night and have been having trouble commenting on others. This is what they have done and it worked. Any replies are at the bottom of comments, which isn't ideal. 


Far Side of Fifty said...

On my I pad and I think that it just might work we will see if it publishes

Far Side of Fifty said...

Back on the Mac changing the comment form seems to have worked!

Sandra said...

Is the problem the Mac? This is better than no access!

Boud said...

The problem is Blogger working behind the scenes! I had to change my comment section similarly and don't like feeling detached from the people I'm responding to. But thanks for doing it. It's better than not being able to. I have a new issue, too , with comments
coming in as spam unless I catch them and declare them Not Spam.

Sandra said...

oh, no! I thought it was fixed.

Lori Skoog said...

OK, I'm giving it a shot!

Sandra said...

Hi, Lori! It worked.

Bohemian said...

Your Alchemy Meals are wonderfully creative and resourceful. Hope the fridge limps along for as long as you need it to before you can put a Daisy on it and replace it.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Dawn! I have purchased another but we are still limping along until the projected delivery on Friday.